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23 апреля, 21:00. Dictaphone. Whisper

2018-04-23 dictaphone


+6 #1 a-sparrow 23.04.2018 19:48
Автор рисунка Dawid Planeta https://www.artstation.com/dawidplaneta

0. Dictaphone - Disconnected
1. Koloto - Mechanica
2. Birds of Passage - Belle De Jour
3. Nils Petter Molvaer - Icy Altitude
4. Dale Cooper Quartet & The Dictaphones - Celadon Bafre
5. Floex - Nel Blu feat. Musetta
6. Origamibiro - Butterfly Jar
7. Colin Stetson - To See More Light
8. Chrysta Bell - This Train
9. The Acid - Veda
10. Koloto - Mechanica (Sun Glitters Remix)

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